Monday, June 19, 2006

More Pixs

This is the bridge crossing to the island of Langholmen. It is a mile or so from our new apartment along the water. Langholmen is where we went walking last weekend and where they housed the largest prison until it closed. There are canals, and their respective bridges, like this all over the city.

This and the next three are all at Milles Garden; the residence of Carl Milles.

The sculpture garden at Milles Garden. It is over looking the bay and the docking point for cruise ships. There are 100 cruise ships per year that dock here (don't hold me to that statistic, but I think that is what I heard).

We spend alot of time walking through in transit of just hanging out in this incredible cemetary by our apt. The swedes definitetly take care of their dead. It is huge, huge huge and beautifully cared for with lots of birds and ornately groomed trees and shrubs. Lots of people kind of cruise around and hang out here, which is a little wierd I guess. But, the point of the pic is to show that people come and care for their family / friends' plots, and plant flowers on the grave. Throughout the cemetary there are areas like this every 50 yards or so that have water, watering can (what are those called with the spout to water flowers?), shovels, and pitch forks. They are always put back and no one would ever steal them or not put them back in their area when finished using them. It is so different than in the U.S. where I could see all of the tools missing and some wierd graffiti all over the watering bin. Theft is so non-existent here. Rob just bought a bike and it sits in front of our apt. not locked. People are really into being honest. This is a very important trait for the Swede.

Last pic is of a typical stair case. This one is in Skansen, but they are like this on every stairway; in the subway, buildings, everywhere. It is for strollers and wheelchairs. Amazing how many strollers there are in Stockholm and how they really do go everywhere. It is so great to know that every place is kid friendly and stroller accessible.

The last bit of news is that we are going to take the aptartment I spoke of before. It is great, great, great. I will tell you about is later. But, it feels like the best thing to do. We move in Sept 1. So, we will extend where we are now for an extra month.



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