Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Fall is in the air

Fall is for falling in more ways that just the leaves. It feels like a time to just snuggle up and ready one's abode for hibernation. Our house and mindset seems like just that lately. We are readying our life for the winter, and finding a schedule will see us through until next Spring. We are falling, and landing softly, from the whirlwind of summer fun, travels and visitors.

Rowan just began a set schedule of day care. He will go 9-11 M,W, F and 9-3 Tu and Th. Great for me. I feel like a privileged woman having the time to think. The leaves are incredible right now, so I have been walking in the park behind our house. The route I walk follows a lake and is really a treat to have in our "backyard". We celebrated Saniya's removal of her training wheels from her bike last weekend with a party. She is so great. It feels like a huge parenting milestone to see her ride a bike. Rob just finished a paper and submitted it for publication. I asked if he could relax now and he said he has two more to write. Yuck, but really good that he has stuff working, right? He just told me of a position in Barcelona which he will apply. I am attempting to find a "schedule" that will work for me. It all comes together eventually, right?



Blogger the madscientist said...

Yep, fall is on the way here too. Gray rainy days, weak sun, the washing takes forever to dry. But the leaves are very pretty and snowshoeing is just around the corner. Wow Rob, congrats on the papers, writing sucks, but that means you've been cranking it. Congrats that's awesome. Barcelona, well I've got my fingers crossed, cos that would be fun to visit from Norwich.

So Yaz, you've got some time now to chase up online classes, read books and do things you're interested in, sounds like you're in for some fun.

8:02 PM  

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