Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hablamos Español

A few things to cover so you know what is going on in the life of the meatballs. As I'm sure you all know the Nobel Prizes are given out here every year. December 10th is the banquet at the city hall. Some good news is that Roger Kornberg, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, will be visiting our lab on the 11th. Of all the labs at the Karolinska he is visiting us and one other lab. It should be a great opportunity for us to speak with him. His work regarding transcription is quite fascinating and I would refer you to an amazing paper Structural Basis of Transcription: Separation of RNA from DNA by RNA Polymerase II
to read at your leisure.

We have also made plans for our Christmas holiday. We will be going to Barcelona to enjoy the warmer weather, longer days, and late night walks. We have finalized almost everything so now all we need to do is look at things we'd like to do and see. We'll be there for a week.

On the homefront I will be starting Swedish language classes next week. Yaz has been going for a couple weeks already so we will try to speak only Swedish to each other. Yaz got here Swedish ID yesterday so we are well on our way to becoming Swedish. We are going downtown today to see Santa. He will be arriving in carriage to open a department store and unveil the Christmas windows. I wonder what I'll ask for this year. I've been told Santa doesn't come down chimneys here, he just comes to your front door. Seems like a much better way to deliver presents. What if you don't have a chimney?

Although I try to keep politics out of the blog, let me just say that it is refreshing to see things change. Too bad it took 6 years and many unneeded deaths.

We're out the door to see Santa, so until next time.

¡Adios Amigos!



Blogger jmb_craftypickle said...

I was really excited to read some nerdy paper and then found that I had to subscribe....well, I guess I will just dream of transcription....or just let it occur with out my interruption.

Wow, Santa comes REALLY early there, but what fun.

An aside:
Matt just informed me that he was reading something about naturally occuring Anthrax. He said that it is everywhere in the wild and occasionally kills wild animals...everywhere that is except a few island nations and .....


Interesting, no?
Think about that one for a while.

!Hablo espanol tambien!

12:15 AM  

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