Monday, October 02, 2006

Where's Rob?

So it has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted in awhile. I really am quite surprised. It seems like yesterday I entered something. So I have a lot of catching up to do. Some pictures as well.

Where to begin? I'll start with our move. 3 places in 5 weeks. The first apartment was in Hornstull which is on the western edge of Södermalm in the city. If you've followed this blog closely you will know that it was very small and dirty. It did give us the chance to see that part of the island and it actually is quite charming. Fortunate for us because we decided to be out of the apartment whenever we could.

Rowan and Saniya just before beginning the move

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While we were out in the city Saniya got to jump really high and Rowan watched

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The next place was a house in the woods on the island Värmdö. It was a little larger and clean. It was very relaxing to stay in the woods. We could hear crickets and pick wild blueberries and lingonberries. Nearby was a great beach where Saniya and Rowan would play at on the sunny days. One saturday there were small hydroplanes doing a race on the water which was a hit.

Hydroplane races

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Rowan and Saniya in Värmdö at the beach

At the house Rowan eating outside on the porch

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Cornstarch is fun

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After 3 weeks of commuting to the city I was ready to move to our newest place. It is quite large and has all the amenities you could want. We went to IKEA last weekend and bought a few things for the kids room and miscellaneous other stuff. How Swedish of us. I finally feel like we are starting to settle in. There are a few things that are up in the air right now though.

Saniya started pre-school last week and she is doing quite well. She is excited to go to school each day and I walk with her. Right now I am staying with her at the school in the mornings and then Yaz comes with Rowan for lunch. Then off to work for me.

Work has been going well. I am still learning where things are and how things are done. I spent a good part of the first couple months solving a structure and writing a paper. It has been published online. First structure of a eukaryotic phosphohistidine phosphatase if you would like to read it. I will continue some work with this protein and might have something else to say about it in the future.

We appreciate the pictures and emails. Saniya is still sad she has no friends but hopefully now that she is in school she'll make some.



Blogger jmb_craftypickle said...

I have been missing the Rob's perspective....I started reading the paper and laughed to myself that after having kids I remember so many terms!!! Hooray! I was sad because the pictures didn't come through on my computer and I miss seeing all of the international fun. Enjoyed the stories, can't wait for more phosphatase talk! And "eukaryotic" that one takes me back, isn't it fun to be white and nerdy!

3:02 AM  
Blogger Yaz and Rob said...

Yeah some issues with the pics. Annoying. White, Nerdy, and Peachy.


11:46 AM  
Blogger jmb_craftypickle said...

you guys are so beautiful! SAM and I couldn't believe that Saniya was brave enough for that jumping thing. SAM thinks that he wants to try that sometime too.
miss you guys, thanks for the pics, they made our day!

2:34 AM  

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