Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lingering last moments

Ok, last week I was feeling very upbeat and positive. This week, it is sinking in how hard it is to leave. We are selling all of our things and packing our suitcases to weigh them. We have so little we can bring on the plane, we are giving all of their toys and any clothes the kids are not wearing right now. I feel so depressed about this. I think it is harder on me than the kids. They kind of don't care. Saniya is really sad about school and says she wants to go back and see her friends.

The good part is that we have gone through this before. The hard part is that it sucks everytime we do it. Changing cultures is not to be taken lightly, and every change is like a huge shift in mindset and general lonilness of not fitting in for a very long time. I feel it is important for all of us to embrace this reality and know that we will be stronger after the transition subsides. But, for now, when in transit, it really sucks and is so sad to leave this great culture and great experience we have had.

Oddly, enough the least of our concerns is our lack of income right now. I think if career was more of a value in our family it would feel like our status as "independent and productive people" have waned, but because experience and diversity takes more precedence for us, I still feel confident the income will work itself out. This is not to say that is is not stressful. Rob is working all day everyday looking for a good position. It is draining and we really wish we could know where we were going and then settle in there. But, it is not so for now.

On that note, we go to the island of Uto for 5 days next week. We will camp and ride bikes and go to the beach. It is one of the southern, outer islands in the archipelago. The archipelago has 14,000 - 24,000 islands. There is a dispute as to the exact number. But, for us we get to take a cool ferry boat and it is quiet and peaceful. That is really our enjoyment before the tides of change overwhelm us again.


Blogger jmb_craftypickle said...

I think that it is always worse to think about than to do...but I am glad that you guys will be back soon. If you are missing Sweden I have some canned fish and we can eat that...yum!

7:43 AM  

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